Sunday, February 28, 2016

  1. Eclipse or Liferay IDE
  1. Eclipse Liferay IDE plugin
  2. Liferay IDE
  1. Liferay Plugin SDK
  2. Liferay Portal Server with Bundle of Tomcat
  3. MySQL Server
  4. MySQL Client
  5. Configure Portal-Ext Properties For MySQL Setup

Eclipse IDE
a. Eclipse Liferay IDE plugin

While using Eclipse IDE for Liferay Development we have to install Liferay IDE components from Eclipse Market place follow the below steps to do the process.
  1. Download Eclipse IDE from this place :
  1. Select the version, Operating system and System Architecture (Ex: Eclipse IDE for JAVA EE , Windows and 64 bit).
  2. Once Downloaded then open the eclipse.exe
  3. After eclipse started goto top menu help  Install new software type the url or select from offline package.
  1. Add the following url and click add
  1. Then Enter as Liferay IDE then click ok
  2. Select all the check box from the list then click install click Accept
  1. Once Installation done then restart your eclipse.
  2. Now got Help About.
  1. Now if you can able to see Highlighted logo in your eclipse then Liferay IDE installed successfully.
b. Liferay IDE
Liferay IDE setup in window follow the below process.
  1. Select Appropriate Version then click download.
  1. Once download complete open the package.
2. Liferay Plugin SDK Download and Setup

Follow the below process to download and setup Liferay Plugin SDK in Eclipse.
  1. Download Liferay Plugin SDK from the following Location. (Path : ).
  1. Select Plugins SDK Option then click Download.
  2. Once Downloaded follow the below process.
  3. Open the Eclipse where we have installed Liferay IDE.
  4. Goto Window Preference Liferay
  1. Click Configure installed Liferay plugin SDKs
  1. Click Add Browse to select Liferay Plugin SDK folder.
  2. Check Add Eclipse .project file
  3. Then click ok.
  1. Now Liferay Plugin SDK Configured.
3. Liferay Bundled with Tomcat
Follow the below process to install Liferay Tomcat Bundled Server.
  1. Download Liferay bundled with Tomcat in following location :
  1. Click Download once Download finished follow the below process.
  2. Open Winodw Prefrence Liferay
  1. Click create a new Liferay runtime environment.
  1. Click Select Liferay 6.1 CE (Tomcat 7) Option.
  2. Click the Next and click browse button to select server path
  1. Once Server is selected then select proper JRE then click finish.
  2. Click the Finish.
MySQL Server Setup
Setting up MySQL server first we have to download the binary from below location and follow the following process to install.
  1. download MySQL server from the location.
  1. Click Download Button.
  2. Once Download Complete open the package and follow the instruction from the screen to finish the installation.
MySQL Client
Mysql Client we can use many toll or built-inn console to access DB. (Ex: Sqlyog).
  1. Download SQLyog from the following location. Location :

  1. Select Machine Architecture then Click Download.
  2. Once Download Complete Open the SQLyog package.
  1. Create new lportal db.
  2. Finish close the SQLyog.
Configure Liferay- for DB Configuration.
Just use the below properties in below path : <Your Machine Path>liferay-portal-6.2-ee-sp5\tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes
  1. Use the below configuration in
jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/<Newly created DB anem>?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false
jdbc.default.username=<mysql username>
jdbc.default.password=<mysql Password>

  1. Once add the new values save this file then start the server server auto create required database entries from the default script.

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